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Origin Story

My coaching journey really began after graduate school when I realized all those biographies I read about Bach did nothing for teaching me how to interact with others. I dove head first into professional development with the same tenacity for learning and education that followed me through my school training. I read everything from Brené Brown to Fr. Richard Rohr, returning to the greats like Napoleon Hill and Norman Vincent Peale, and even religious leaders like Rev. Robert H. Schuller and Fr. Richard Rohr, alongside ancient teachings from the Stoics to Benedictine Spirituality. 


This passion for personal development also coincided with my frustration that we weren’t taught interpersonal relationship dynamics in school. Nor was entrepreneurship ever discussed. Instead, the years of cutthroat competition at the expense of relationship building and collaborative support created environments that perpetuated the trauma our own faculty had endured limited our growth and pitted us against one another as artists even after. 


I knew something needed to change. I knew from my years reading I loved this work, and I needed something more structured to support where I wanted to go with this work. I found a program that combined multiple modalities - across the mental, spiritual, and emotional - to offer a foundation for my coaching process to more effectively support others in their evolution and progression. I knew I had found my calling because of how it powerfully supported me in my evolution to where I am now. 


Specifically, my passion and focus as a coach comes alive supporting ambitious and driven artists who have lost sight of who they are. I offer an awakening for them to remember the true value of their gifting, to lead lives of direction, meaning, and abundance by creating the art that matters most to them.


What's coaching like with you?

As a creative coach, sessions are highly individualized – both by person and from week to week. I combine a mix of coaching, mentorship, and teaching in my sessions to create a space for clients to embrace the reality of who they are, embody the vitality and feasibility of their desires, and to effectively manage the barrage of responsibilities with a comprehensive system promoting sustainable growth and expansion across the five areas of life. 


Clients come to me for an initial session for different reasons - any number of presenting frustrations, a sense of disconnection with their artistry, a general desire for more, seeking support with career development and management, or sometimes even sheer curiosity, at least initially. My personal experience and training as an artist allows me a depth of personal understanding that musicians and artists find tremendously supportive when compared to previous experience of working with therapists who don't understand the minutia of our field. 


The unifying thread of why clients choose to continue coaching is the awareness and sense of deep appreciation for the value of the time and space they give to themselves as we sit together to explore whatever is most beneficial in that moment. Through our time, we will explore and then break the frame on old stories and belief structures inherited through the educational and societal expectations and pressures, offering new supportive framing to increase a sense of possibility, optimism, and confidence. 


We can't see the label on the jar from inside the container - because we can’t see the connection of the unconscious thoughts and behaviors operating out in front of us. Coaching offers a chance to experience and observe what's going on with someone who knows the right questions to ask and can highlight connections and correlations of different issues to support mental shifts and transformation. Having an objective observer offering clarifying insight into my life is exactly why  I, myself, have a coach!  


And as a brief commentary - as is often lost in the personal development world - being "broken" isn’t something we are born with. The "brokenness" is what happens when we get stuck in a moment. Free will exists, and because of that, things can go sideways. And, I believe there’s good that can come from that - not because of that. So it's not approving of the trauma that happened, it's finding the karmic healing from it in order to be set free. 


The "bad" things we experience didn't happen because we "needed" them to. We reframe these experiences as catalysts for greater growth and increased possibility. Sessions together transform the pain by retrieving the core parts of yourself from these old stuck moments. Starting from a place where there’s nothing inherently wrong with you, "brokenness" finds wholeness by returning to the truth of your creative calling.

International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

Certified Hypnotherapist: Krasner Method


Somatic Coach


Embracing Creative Success

I believe in an integrative approach to the creative life. So yes, we’ll talk about your professional aspirations and we’ll talk about your sleep and food patterns alongside your relationships with yourself and others, as well as exploring your connection to the content you consume and the space allotted to connect to something greater than yourself. The five areas of life are: physical, emotional, professional, mental, and spiritual. Added together, these provide the foundation for the vastly creative soul inside of you to flourish. 


Why? Well, our lives can feel a bit like being crabs in a bucket. When we neglect one area of life to pursue another, eventually said neglected area is the downfall. Succeeding in business? How’s the health of your body and your relationships? Strong body? What’s your connection to the spiritual? 


When taken together, these five areas become the rising water tide that raises all ships, supporting and allowing varying areas to receive complete focus and attention, still respecting and appreciating the other areas. 

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